Getting my Sh*t Together - Pt. 1

I’ve c
ome to the realization that I have been putting my life on “hold” for the past few months. I stopped doing the things that I enjoy. I stopped doing the things that will benefit me in the present and in the future. I’ve pretty much just been stuck in a cycle of just… existing. Not exactly a life that I want forever. With that being said, now is definitely the time to start doing things for me and appreciating life and all it has to offer. 

Since moving into my new apartment completely on my own, I haven’t really been using my time wisely. I still have a few boxes to unpack, and my place is definitely not as organized as I would like it to be. When I come home from work, my usual routine is to immediately lay in bed with my cat and watch some TV. Then, I’ll have some dinner later and then go back to laying in bed. It’s a very bad and very unproductive cycle that I need to work on breaking. I miss the days when I would come home from work, relax a little bit, have a good meal, and then spend time on my productive and healthy hobbies. That’s what I need to get back to. 

One habit I’ve started to do is waking up around 5:30am every day before work. It gives me time to start the day slowly, versus rushing to get ready. I slowly get out of bed and then I do my morning routine and get ready for the day. By the time I’m done, it’s usually around 6-6:15am. That gives me about an hour to do something productive before work. I won’t lie, I spend a lot of that time on my phone  BUT, I’m determined to not touch my phone in the morning unless it’s for something productive. Instead, I try to read in the morning. I love reading in the morning for some reason. It’s just such a nice and positive vibe. I hope that habit is something I continue to do every day. 

Another habit I’m trying to work on is cooking dinner every night. It’s not always easy because I don’t know how to cook a lot, but it’s been nice to have meals at home. I used to eat out A LOT, but now that I’m on my own and have a strict budget, eating out isn’t really an option. But, that’s a good thing because it forces me to cook good and healthy meals! The only thing that sucks about cooking every night is having dishes to do. But, if you keep up with those dishes and do a little every night, it never has a chance to pile up! 

I’m really just trying to focus on doing the things that will bring me peace and happiness. If I can motivate myself to clean my space and organize it (and keep it that way) I will be much more happier with life. I really hope that these habits that I’m working on will help to build a better version of myself! 


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