You are in Control
For the longest time, I had always felt as though I wasn’t able to control my life. It felt like all of these horrible things were happening to me and there was nothing I could do but watch from the sidelines. I was letting other people make decisions for me and I was letting situations control my thoughts and feelings. Any time something did not go the way I had hoped, it would drag me down and fill me with negativity. If a person reacted in a way that was negative, I would let that negativity reach me and pull me down as well. If someone was angry with me or we had an argument, all of my thoughts and emotions were controlled by that negative interaction, and until that was fixed and taken care of, I would continue to feel sad or angry. I couldn’t control my thoughts and emotions on my own. That was, until I realized that I am the one in control. 

You see, all we really have in this life is ourselves. We are the one who is always there no matter what. We are the only constant thing in our lives. People come and go, relationships don’t always last, family isn’t forever. But you are forever with yourself until the day you die. That being said, you are the one who gets to control yourself. You are the one who has to decide what matters and what doesn’t. You are the one who has to decide what you want in your life, and what you want to get rid of. 

When you think about it, you get to choose how each situation in your life affects you. If something negative has happened in your life, you do not have to let it define you. You can choose to let that thing go and think positively. If you had a negative interaction with someone, you do not have to let that one interaction control how you feel overall. The problem will get solved, or it won’t. Either way, these things happen FOR you, not TO you. Everything in your life happens for a reason, so it’s up to you how you want to react to any situation. 

I can tell you that I have definitely struggled with letting my emotions take over. It has always been hard for me to not let negative situations dictate my life. However, as I get older and as I am learning new things about myself and my life, I have started to realize how different my life can be if I just let things go. If I can just look at a negative situation and say “It’s okay. Things will work out.”, I can live a completely different and happier life because I won’t constantly be taken over by sadness, stress, or anger. Negativity does not need to control me. 

Starting today, look at yourself in the mirror and say “Anything that happens today, is happening FOR me. The universe is working FOR me, not against me. I am in control of my own life.”

Own your power and take your life back. 


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