Life Advice #3 - Embrace Change

Over the last 2 years, I have gone through countless 
(and seemingly never-ending) changes. As someone who had always feared change, being forced into change has genuinely helped me in more ways than I had ever imagined. I've gone through a lot of moving, job change, relationship problems, and tons of other changes as well. 

My first big change was when I moved out of my parents house at the beginning of 2021 and into my aunt and uncles house. I was living in a toxic environment that was only getting worse, so I made the tough decision to move out. Once I moved, I started to heal and I felt myself stepping into the person I truly was. I was becoming so much happier and healthier. It was honestly the best decision for me and I'm so glad I decided to go through with it. It changed my life so much and helped to better me as a person.

Soon after moving in with my aunt and uncle, I met someone who I fell in love with. He was perfect to me - at first. But, the relationship quickly grew toxic. We worked through our issues (or so I thought) and then we ended up moving into an apartment together later that year. Everything was absolutely perfect. I was so happy to be moved out into my first apartment with someone I loved and cared about. It was amazing, but it was very short lived. 7 months after moving in together, we broke up. It was a mutual decision, but it hurt like hell. I had never felt that type of pain before. It felt as if my entire world was falling apart. But, a couple weeks later, we ended up reconciling and we got back together. By that point, I had already found an apartment for myself and had moved in, so we had to live separately. Ultimately, it is the best thing for us as we continue to work on ourselves and our relationship.

So now, it is December of 2022 - nearly 2023. I've been on my own in my own apartment for 6 months. It has definitely been challenging, but it has also taught me a lot of lessons, including how to be more independent. Sometimes I hate living by myself because it can get incredibly lonely, but I do have my cat with me so that has been helping me immensely. He is so special to me and he makes everything a little better. Sometimes I love being alone, too. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, and sometimes that makes me so happy. Overall, living alone is scary, but also so rewarding and exciting. It's a mix of everything and I'm happy that I get to experience it. 

Moral of the story, change is inevitable. You cannot stop it no matter how hard you try. It is best just to embrace it and all that come with it. Yes, change is scary. But, staying the same is even scarier. 


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