Feel Your Feelings
I get sad a lot. Probably more than the average person. It sucks, but I've been trying to learn how to manage it. I've picked up a lot of bad habits due to pushing my feelings aside. I've gotten used to avoiding people. I don't like social gatherings. I don't like meeting new people. I don't like putting myself in uncomfortable situations because i don't want to allow myself to feel uncomfortable. By keeping myself comfortable, I am not letting myself grow. I'm not challenging myself to be better. I am enabling these bad habits of pushing my feelings down.
I have noticed that by bottling up my feelings, I'm putting unnecessary stress on the people around me and I am weakening my connections with my loved ones. Sometimes I push my feelings so far down and am carrying too much baggage that when someone does something that makes me even slightly upset, I overreact and take it out on them.
It is so important to let yourself stop and take a breath. Let every emotion you feel wash over you and know that it will pass. Enjoy the happy moments and be prepared for the hard times. Feelings are temporary and know that you are strong enough to overcome anything. Do not push aside your negative feelings. You are allowed to be sad. You are allowed to hurt. Let yourself feel the hurt so you can make room for the happy moments.
Letting myself feel my emotions (positive and negative) is something I am still working on, but I wanted to give some advice on what I'm going through and what I've noticed due to not allowing myself to feel my feelings. I hope this helps some of you and gives you the reassurance you may need to allow yourself to feel your feelings and take the next step to getting better. ❤️
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