Life Advice #4 - Be Yourself
Have you ever found yourself acting differently around certain people? Maybe you were trying to impress them, or maybe you were just wanting to fit in. Maybe you were insecure about your personality or were worried that people would make fun of you for something you liked. I think we've all been there. I think we've all found ourselves conforming into what society deems acceptable. But what do we do this for? What's the point?
We spend so much of our time and energy worrying about what other people think of us. It's like every day we wake up, look in the mirror, and think: What can I do to make myself acceptable to society today?
It's pointless.
When I was in high school, I was very insecure about my face. I didn't have a ton of acne, but I was insecure about the little amount I did have. So, every morning, I would wake up early enough to do a full face of makeup. Throughout all 4 years of high school, I never once went to school without makeup on. When I think back on it, it makes me sad to know that I used to think I would be treated differently if I didn't wear makeup. Even after I graduated, I wore makeup to my job every day. Although, I soon realized how draining it was to do it every day. I wasn't doing it for fun. I was doing it because I thought I had to. So, I stopped doing it soon after, and I realized how freeing it felt. No one made fun of me like I thought they would, I was still called pretty. I was still treated the same. It was such a good feeling to start embracing my natural beauty.
I still get insecure about myself. Whether it's my skin, my personality, my weight, my smile... It still gets to me sometimes. But I always try to remind myself that I am beautiful the way I am and that I am unique and interesting. The things I like are not stupid or embarrassing; they are what makes me, me. I am acceptable the way I am. If someone doesn't like the real me, then I don't want them in my life anyways.
Don't change yourself for anyone. The right people will love the real you for exactly how you are.
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