Building a Healthy Relationship with Yourself
I can admit that I have had my fair share of self esteem issues. Whether it be about my body, my personality, the way I dress or the way I talk... there was always something I was criticizing myself about. Don't get me wrong, I still have my moments from time to time, but it is so so important to look at yourself with only love and admiration. Our physical self does so much for us. It lets us move around and go to our favorite places. It lets us smell a fresh pot of coffee in the morning. It lets us laugh with our friends. It lets us hug our loved ones. There is so much our bodies do for us, and we don't give it enough credit. We should be showing it love and thanking it for all it does instead of pinching it between our fingers and frowning in the mirror.
Our bodies are the least interesting thing about us. Imagine if you liked someone only because of their body. You spend time getting to know them and realize they are an awful person, but you still stay with them because of their body. Imagine how miserable you would be. Our personalities and who we are on an emotional and intellectual level is infinitely more important than the way we look. Personally, what matters to me is that you are kind, compassionate, and just an all around genuine and good person. I love to learn about people's likes and dislikes, their favorite things and their hobbies. That's what makes me fall in love with a person, both platonically and romantically.
Your body is your temple and therefore it is extremely important to give it the love and care it needs. Exercise regularly, feed it well and let it relax when it needs to. Don't get mad at your body for needing a break. It does so much to keep us going. Don't starve your body because it doesn't look how you want it to; eat healthy and live a healthy life style. Everyone's body is different. Your healthy body will look different than someone else's healthy body. All that matters is that you are healthy and taking care of yourself.
It took me a while to understand that and be okay with it. I still sometimes don't like the way I look in the mirror, but when that happens, I just remember to thank my body for all it does for me and promise to take care of it. Once you get the hang of that, your self confidence will skyrocket.
If someone doesn't like me or give me the time of day because they don't like how I look, I don't take it personally. I see it as a reflection of their own insecurities. Maybe there are some parts of themselves that they feel insecure about and they are projecting on to me. Or maybe they are just a rude and judgmental person. Either way, that isn't the kind of person I would want to stay in my life anyways, so by them saying they don't like my body, it saves me time and effort. I can move on and not spend any more time or effort into getting to know them. If they don't like me because of my looks, then that is their problem, not mine.
It is so important to love yourself for who you are inside and out. We spend 100% of our time inside our bodies and with our own mind. Learn to appreciate yourself and love every part of you. Learn where you need to improve yourself and where you could give yourself a little more compassion. Learn to listen to your body's needs and learn when you need to take a mental break. You are the most important person in your own life. Take care of you and love yourself. ❤️
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