Life Update

Life has been so crazy lately. I have undergone so many changes this year, and moreso in the past month. These changes have been relatively good, and I like where I am at right now. I just bought a new car, and it is the first time I am financing a vehicle. I love my new car and I am very proud of myself for taking this step, even though there wasn't much of a choice. My old car was broken and too expensive to fix. But, I had been wanting a new car for a while, so maybe I unintentionally manifested this. (not complaining hehe)

I have taken a few more big steps into adulthood and have been doing a lot of grownup things to better my future. It's tough and a little scary, but I am very excited to see where this leads me and all of the things I will accomplish in the future. 

So far, I really am content with where I'm at in life right now, and I can tell that I have grown immensely within the past couple of years. I am proud of everything I have done so far this year, and I am still working on my other goals for this year. I know that by the time December 31st arrives, I will be able to look back on this year with a smile and will be proud of all that I am doing. 

See you soon with another life update. ❤️


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