Fear of Change
Sometimes we get so stuck in our routines that it's hard for us to realize that we're not growing. Routines can be a great thing, but often times when we stick to the same ones for too long, we get stuck. Once you realize you're stuck, it can feel scary and depressing. You may start to overthink everything and feel like you have no shot at going anywhere in life. And then you end up accepting the fact that you will never be happy or fulfilled. You end up settling for what you do not want.
You can break this way of thinking by accepting changes that may be forced upon you. Look at these changes with a positive mindset and assure yourself that you will always be okay no matter what life throws at you. Forced change isn't always fun. It can be anxiety inducing and just overall very stressful, but you can control how you react. Let yourself feel scared. Let yourself worry for a minute. But then you need to push those worries aside and tell yourself "I can do this."
Instead of just accepting forced changes, you can introduce positive changes into your life to take back control. Start taking the steps towards your dreams. Chase after that career you've always wanted. Save up the money for that new car that you really like. Move to a new city just for the new experiences you could have.
Obviously, changes do not need to be that drastic to make a positive impact on your life. It could be as simple as deciding to exercise everyday, or choosing to eat more intentionally. It could be changing your hair or starting to dress differently.
All changes, big or small have an impact on our lives. Change helps us to grow. It is not something that needs to be feared. While some changes are definitely harder than others, there are certain changes that can bring new and better things to enrich our lives.
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