Valentines Day... After a Breakup
Breakups are hard enough as it is, and with Valentines Day being shoved in your face, it can seem even harder to deal with. Seeing all these couples expressing their love for each other while you are freshly heartbroken is tough, and I speak from experience.

Today is February 14th 2024, and it is the first Valentines Day that I am spending single in 3 years. It seems so crazy to me, being alone today. But oddly enough, it actually really hasn't felt that different for me. I suppose that is because Valentines Day wasn't even really celebrated while I was in a relationship. It really just felt like any other day. That being said, it still hurts to spend it alone after all this time. 

I love Valentines Day. I always have, and going through a recent breakup isn't going to change that. I love seeing couples show each other off and I love seeing girls getting treated the way they deserve. As much as it hurts, it's nice to see that happy and healthy love does exist. Even though it may seem impossible right now, I know that one day I will find someone who will love me like that, and that makes me so hopeful for the future. 

In the meantime, I am spending this Valentines Day focusing on self-love. I don't have another person to focus my love on, so I decided I would focus it on myself, because I deserve it. While Valentines Day is primarily shown as a couples thing, I think it can also be a great time to show yourself some appreciation.
I know focusing on self care is extremely hard during a breakup. It can be hard to find the motivation just to get out of bed in the morning, and Valentines Day can kill just that sliver of motivation that you had.  There is no shame in buying yourself some flowers and chocolate, relaxing, and watching your comfort show/movie. There is no better love than self-love. You are the only person who is with yourself 24/7, so it's important to appreciate yourself. Loving yourself is good for your mental health. 

Remember, it's okay to feel your feelings. If Valentines Day is too hard for you to deal with, there is no shame in staying in all day and letting your emotions out. You can take that time to cry, just don't let yourself spiral too far. Make sure to remind yourself of everything you have to be grateful for in your life. Think about all the people who love you. Think about how  everything will be okay with time. Time heals all wounds. 

If you are struggling this Valentines Day, just remember that you are not alone and that these feelings will pass. Love is everywhere, and you will feel it again very soon, I promise. 

Happy Valentines Day, loves ♡


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